During the Japanese invasion of China from 1937 to 1945, the Japanese militarists committed numerous crimes on this land in China and created countless bloody cases. In 1937, The month of the massacre in Nanjing was the first of the hundreds of massacre carried out by Japanese imperialism during the total invasion of China and was also the most prominent one that shocked both China and foreign countries. The attempt by Japan's imperialists to occupy our country has long been a premeditated attempt. Since 1874, the Japanese imperialists have continuously engaged in armed aggression against our country. In 1931, the “9th and 18th” incident was made and occupied the northeast of our country. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army invaded China again created the Lugouqiao Incident and started its full-scale aggression against our country. On August 13, the Japanese massively attacked Shanghai. After Japanese occupation of Shanghai, they attacked Nanjing in three separate ways.