从经济发展、经济结构、城市化和居民收入水平方面,运用计量经济模型对甘肃省电力消费的影响因素进行实证研究。结果显示:1四个影响因素均与电力消费之间呈正相关;2 GDP、工业比重、城市化和城镇居民人均可支配收入各增长1%,甘肃电力消费就分别增加0.35%、0.28%、1.37%、0.10%;3城市化对甘肃电力消费增长的贡献最显著,经济增长和工业比重是影响甘肃电力消费的主要因素,而居民收入水平的影响效应相对较弱。未来甘肃经济发展和城市化进程中要保证电力需求的有效供给。
In terms of economic development, economic structure, urbanization and income level of residents, the econometric model is used to empirically study the influencing factors of electricity consumption in Gansu Province. The results show that: 1 The four influencing factors have a positive correlation with electricity consumption; 2 GDP, industrial proportion, urbanization and per capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 1%, Gansu electricity consumption increased by 0.35%, 0.28% and 1.37 %, 0.10%. 3 Urbanization has made the most significant contribution to the growth of Gansu’s electricity consumption. Economic growth and industrial proportion are the major factors affecting Gansu’s electricity consumption, while the impact of residents’ income level is relatively weak. In the future Gansu economic development and urbanization process to ensure the effective supply of electricity demand.