Cloning and Expression Analysis of OsNADPH1 Gene from Rice in Drought Stress Response

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SQUIRRELXX
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An experiment was conducted to compare the mRNA expression difference in rice leaves and roots under drought stress and normal conditions using Fluorescent Differential Display (FDD) method. One positive fragment was isolated by combination of the H. A. Yellow-PAGE (contained 0.1% H. A. Yellow) separation and macroarray screening methods. Compared to Arabidopsis thaliana NADPH oxidoreductase gene, it has 96% identity. The cDNA was 1423 bp, and contained a complete open reading frame of 1048 bp encoding a protein with 345 amino acid residues. Moreover, the gene expression level was higher under drought stress than that under normal conditions. The possible role of NADPH oxidoreductase gene under drought response was also discussed. One experiment was conducted to compare the mRNA expression difference in rice leaves and roots under drought stress and normal conditions using Fluorescent Differential Display (FDD) method. One positive fragment was isolated by combination of the HA Yellow-PAGE (contained 0.1% HA Yellow) Compared to Arabidopsis thaliana NADPH oxidoreductase gene, it has 96% identity. The cDNA was 1423 bp, and contained a complete open reading frame of 1048 bp encoding a protein with 345 amino acid residues. Moreover, the gene expression level was higher under drought stress than that under normal conditions. The possible role of NADPH oxidoreductase gene under drought response was also discussed.
巨细胞病毒(CMV)是艾滋病最常见的机会性感染病毒,主要表现为CMV视网膜炎,还可累及肺、肠道、肾上腺等器官,统称为CMV终末期器官疾病(CMV EOD)[1].在尸检中多达90%的AIDS病人存在有播散性CMV感染[2],CMV可能是HIV致病的一个重要辅助因素.HIV感染者在随访期内CMV检测阳性,患者艾滋病病情恶化的危险性增加一倍、死亡危险性增加四倍[3].虽然高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAAR
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在整个王宝营子乡,于学忠是个带有传奇色彩的英雄。 当记者按惯例问他: “这些年的经营中,你最困难,或者说赔得最惨的一次是什么时候?”他说: “没赔过。”嬉皮笑脸的,一点