睾酮不仅是男性性能力的象征,也会引发男性的骨质疏松和代谢类疾病。男性早衰可以自测,补充雄性激素能调适性功能减退有些东西看不到,但它会影响人的一生,比如睾酮。睾酮(又名睾丸激素)是雄性激素群中的甾类激素, 95%分泌自男性的睾丸,5%分泌自肾上腺。女性的卵巢也会分泌少量睾酮。男性的生殖、泌尿、皮肤、肌肉、骨骼、造血、心血管和神经系统都会受睾酮水平的影响。
Testosterone is not only a symbol of male sexuality, but also triggers osteoporosis and metabolic disorders in men. Premature aging in men can self-test, male androgen supplements can not adapt to some dysfunction can not see, but it will affect people’s lives, such as testosterone. Testosterone (aka testosterone) is a steroid hormone found in androgens, 95% secreted from the testes of men and 5% secreted from the adrenal glands. Women’s ovaries also secrete a small amount of testosterone. Male reproductive, urinary, skin, muscle, bone, hematopoietic, cardiovascular and nervous systems are all affected by testosterone levels.