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  【Abstract】After a brief introduction to advertising, the thesis elaborates on the realization of fuzziness in English advertising from the following four perspectives:fuzziness of verbs, fuzziness of adjectives, fuzziness of nouns, and fuzziness of adverbs.
  【Key words】advertising; English; fuzziness
  Advertising, to some extent, did not appear until the 17th century in the West. In the early days of advertising, production of commodities was on a very small scale. As mass—production made more products coming out, a crisis of over—supply facilitated the rapid development of advertising.
  Definition of Fuzziness
  The past decades have witnessed a widely upsurge of interest in “fuzziness” after the publication of Zadeh’s work Fuzzy Sets in mid—1960s. A variety of new subjects such as fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy linguistics, fuzzy psychology, and fuzzy logic came into bloom. Such researchers as Zadeh, Channell, Lakoff, Wu Tieping, Chen Zhan, have made great contribution to the study on fuzziness. However, what interests the author most is the fuzzy expressions in English food advertising.
  Fuzziness is difficult to define due to the nature of language itself. But in 1920, C. S. Peirce gave us a definition of fuzziness:
  The advertiser uses fuzzy expressions to enhance the effectiveness of communication. Some linguists hold the opinion that uncertain description or fuzziness is not a bad thing, instead, it is widely welcomed because it can convey most information and manage completed matters with least efforts. In other words, fuzziness can settle down complex things and make judgments more efficiently. In addition, the fuzzy expressions in English advertising can convey a large amount of information with limited words.
  Persuasion Power
  The aim of the English advertising is to influence people’s decision and persuade people to buy the products or services. An excellent English food advertising should not force consumers to purchase, but persuade them. The purpose of advertising is to influence people to behave in a way that will be of advantage to advertisers. In other words, the eminent role of English food advertising is persuading and appealing.
  Making Utterances Exactly
  To some extent, advertising may be defined as a persuasion activity, a communication process, a marketing process, etc. But it will be more proper to define it as a kind of art. Many advertisers turn to the choice of fuzzy expressions, contributing to the aesthetic effect of advertising language. It is commonly accepted that fuzziness is widely used in English advertising as a critically important persuading strategy. In this part, the author will illustrate the frequency of fuzziness expressions use and explore its features and functions in English food translation practice.
  Fuzziness of Verbs
  Advertisement is not only a kind of economic activity, but also a kind of cultural communication between East and West. A successful translation of an English advertisement will best convey the original information, as well as indicate the features of the product advertised.It can enhance the effectiveness of communication and improve the accuracy of expressions. And fuzziness of verb is a crucial part of fuzzy expressions, which is conducive and effective in the process of translation. Look at the following advertisement:
  [1]Lakoff.G.Hedges:A Study in Meaning Criteria and the Logic of Fuzzy Concepts[J].Chicago Linguistic Society Papers,1992,35(1).
  [2]Lakoff.G.A Note of Vagueness and Ambiguity.Linguistic Inquiry,1971.
  [3]Leech,Geoffrey.Principles of Pragmatics[M].London: Longman,1983.
Wuthering Heights is the masterpiece of Emily Bronte in the 19th century, and this novel pays much attention to its main character Heathcliff’s psychological struggle and miserable fate. This paper ai
【摘要】初中英语教学质量直接影响学生的发展,教师应在英语教学中培养学生的探究能力,进而促使学生主动学生英语,并有利于学生学习其他学科知识。英语教学与别于其他学科,学生在学习英语时习惯性的将英语转化为汉语,对提高英语成绩有一定影响,而通过培养学生的探究能力能够有效消除这种影响。因此,教师积极培养学生的探究能力。  【关键词】初中英语 学生探究能力 培养  前言  初中是学生性格形成的关键时期,也是学
【摘要】本文的目的是提出使考生在雅思口语中得到更高分数的几点建议。一是心理方面的。要运用各种辅助材料提高自信心。二是仔细阅读雅思口语考试的评分标准,充分利用它。三是鼓励学生养成用批判性的思维阐述学术观点的习惯。有证据表明,这些建议在提高雅思口语考试成绩上是有效的,因为作者的一些学生曾经在考试中应用它们并取得了不错的成绩。  【关键词】雅思口语考试 自信心 评分标准 理论观点  简介  雅思国际英语
【Abstract】This thesis intends to explore the process of identity construction of an ELF teacher. After analysis of his words, the following three findings are summarized: First, middle school teachers
【摘要】TPR教学法(即全身反应教学法)是一种建立在语言与行动协调的基础上,整合幼儿的听觉、视觉和感官,创造愉快活跃的课堂氛围,让幼儿在没有负担的情况下,自然的习得语言能力,培养英语学习的兴趣。本文从TPR教学法的理论基础出发,探讨TPR教学法与学前双语师资培训有效结合的路径。  【关键词】TPR教学法 学前双语师资 培训  一、TPR教学法的含义  TPR是Total Physical Resp
【摘要】大学英语非专业四级考试是每位非英语专业的学生都要面临的考试,它是对非英语专业的学生在大学期间对英语学习的一个重要参考。我们在这里总结了一些考试的方法和技巧很有必要。  【关键词】整体技巧 分类技巧  整体技巧  一、调整心态  1好心情,2不能过紧(方法) 3不能过松  保持良好、适度的心情。  二、快速浏览选项  1.根据选项的布局可以整体看、竖着看。2.根据可能的选项预测对话。3.可能
Being an important part of input, listening determines the degree of linguistic proficiency. Feyten (1991) pointed out that we spent 45% of the time or above on listening when we communicate. As a pri
【摘要】在诸多大学课程教学中,毋庸置疑,大学英语教学可以说是起着至关重要的作用。众所周知,大部分学生在没有进入大学之前就已经学习英语很多年,但是这些学生也只能说是英语基础比较好,能够通过大学英语四六级考试,而在真正的学术交流中,他们多数依然听不懂,说不出来。本文旨在讨论在大学里,英语教师如何将学生培养成为能够听懂学术演讲以及参加英语会议的人才。  【关键词】新时期 大学英语 英语教学 方向和探究