菌毒迪是用生物系统工程技术制取与合成的综合防治病害的药剂。它可一药多用,单独用 菌毒迪就能防治病毒、真菌、细菌引起的花叶病、黄叶病、小叶病、蚀纹病及黄枯萎病、灰 霜霉病、青枯病、立枯病、猝倒病、恶苗病、烂秧病、稻瘟病、稻曲病、纹枯病、根腐病等 病害。 菌毒迪
Dicotyphium is a biosystem engineering and synthesis of synthetic disease prevention and treatment of the agent. It can be a multi-drug, alone can use the drug to prevent diarrhea Diarrhea virus, fungi, bacteria caused mosaic disease, leaf disease, leaf disease, erosion and yellow blight, downy mildew, bacterial wilt, Blight, damping-off disease, bacterinosis, rotten rice disease, rice blast, rice false smut, sheath blight, root rot and other diseases. D