Male, 62 years old, eating 噎 foreign body sensation for more than 10 days, hoarseness for 2 days to the hospital. No fever, chest pain, cough, food reflux and other symptoms. Physical examination showed no abnormalities. Laryngoscopy, normal vocal cords. Esophageal microscopy: an upper esophagus on the left posterior wall of a flat round fissure, about 2.0 × 1.0cm, around the formation of folds like uplift, the edge of the whole, congestion and edema, filled with filthy minced and mucus .Flooding rinse, Side showed a wide, deep at the end of the diverticulum, cavity and mucosal edge of the same color, the bottom with dirty white moss, contact bleeding easily biopsy showed ulcers and necrotic tissue, no cancer cells. Barium swallow esophageal X-ray examination : Filling the upper esophageal pocket was prominent to the left rear shadow, diameter 1.5cm, 2.0cm deep, less smooth edges .When esophageal emptying, the pouch shadow still exists, the right lateral position for a moment, shadow shallow .