患者男性、29岁、农民,于1983年12月21日发病,29日在当地医院就诊,检查肝大,SGPT560u,血象正常,诊断急性黄疸型肝炎,给保肝药物治疗。1984年2月12日,发现齿龈渗血,皮肤紫点,次日鼻衄约200毫升,头晕、偶心悸,血色素8.5g,红细胞270万,白细胞4200,血小板9.5万。1984年3月6日以急性黄疸型肝炎和贫血待查入院。患者平素体健,未服过氯霉素和其他特殊服药,无毒物接触史,但有与肝炎患者接触和注射史,否认有肝炎史。体温37℃、血压90/40mm Hg,发育正常、营养中等、急性病容、神志清,皮肤、粘膜苍白、贫血貌,上肢及胸干有散在出血点,不浮肿,全身浅在淋巴
Male patient, 29 years old, farmer, on December 21, 1983 onset, on the 29th at a local hospital for treatment, check liver, SGPT560u, normal blood, the diagnosis of acute jaundice hepatitis, liver drug treatment. On February 12, 1984, it was found that the oozing of the gums and the skin were purple spots, and about 200 milliliters of the epistaxis was the next day. The patient had dizziness, even palpitation, 8.5g of hemoglobin, 2.7 million of red blood cells, 4200 of white blood cells and 95,000 of platelets. March 6, 1984 with acute jaundice hepatitis and anemia to be admitted to hospital. Patients usually physical health, did not take chloramphenicol and other special medication, non-toxic contact history, but with hepatitis patients contact and injection history, denied a history of hepatitis. Body temperature 37 ℃, blood pressure 90/40 mm Hg, normal development, moderate nutrition, acute disease, clear consciousness, skin, mucosa pale, anemia appearance, upper extremity and thoracic stem scattered bleeding point, no edema, systemic shallow in the lymph