本文介绍了空气中14 C取样器的结构、性能 ,及取样器在中辐院使用运行一年的取样监测情况。该仪器可以在高达 6~ 8L/min的空气流量下工作 ,对空气中 CO2 的收集效率≥ 98%。对于 1 0 0 min计数时间 ,空气中14 C的探测下限为 0 .0 36Bq/m3
This article describes the structure and performance of the 14 C sampler in air and the sampling monitoring of the sampler for one year of operation in Zhonghe. The instrument can work up to 6 ~ 8L / min air flow, the collection of air CO2 efficiency ≥ 98%. For a counting time of 100 min, the detection limit of 14 C in air is 0 .0 36 Bq / m3