解释学是精神分析学的哲学理论基础 ,解释学的发展对精神分析学的演变有很大影响。这主要表现在精神分析学的发展历程与解释学的发展历史基本一致 ,都表现出对社会历史文化因素的日渐重视和主客二分与对立的逐渐消亡。受施莱尔马赫的解释学影响 ,弗洛伊德强调对无意识意义的客观分析 ;受狄尔泰的影响 ,精神分析社会文化学派重视社会文化因素的作用 ;受海德格尔和伽达默尔的影响 ,拉康等人重视分析双方的互动 ,开始注意到符号与无意识意义联系的多重性和分析的持续性、主观性。因此 ,把二者联系起来加以分析 ,有助于我们更好地理解各种精神分析理论 ,并预见其今后的发展趋向。
Hermeneutics is the philosophical foundation of psychoanalysis, and the development of hermeneutics has a great influence on the evolution of psychoanalysis. This is mainly manifested in the fact that the development of psychoanalysis has basically the same history as the development of hermeneutics, both showing increasing emphasis on social, historical and cultural factors and the gradual demise of dichotomy between subject and object and opposition. Influenced by Schillermacher’s hermeneutics, Freud emphasizes the objective analysis of the unconscious meaning; by the influence of Dilthey, the psychoanalytic sociocultural school emphasizes the role of social and cultural factors; influenced by Heidegger and Gadamer , Lacan et al. Attached great importance to analyzing the interaction between the two parties and began to notice the multiplicity of the connection between symbols and unconscious meaning and the persistence and subjectivity of the analysis. Therefore, linking the two together and analyzing them helps us to better understand various theories of psychoanalysis and predict its future development trend.