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基于公共治理视野,审视高职教育评估,可以把高职教育评估看作是公共治理的内在需求与有效途径。高职教育的公共治理,要求评估属性突出多元化、协商合作、服务导向、开放与国际化等特点。自我评估、院校评估、专业认证及评估、国际评估和教学基本状态数据常态监测的“五位一体”模式,应是高职教育评估的基本架构与走向。评估内容应强化测度如下因素:利益相关者参与高职教育治理的品质,院校内部治理结构与治理能力的状态,办学效益与满足区域经济社会发展需求的程度,产教融合、校企合作、工学结合等培养机制的运行状态。 Based on the perspective of public governance, examining the evaluation of higher vocational education can regard the evaluation of higher vocational education as the intrinsic demand and effective way of public governance. The public governance of higher vocational education requires that the evaluation attributes highlight the characteristics of diversification, consultation and cooperation, service orientation, opening up and internationalization. The “Five in One” mode of self assessment, institution evaluation, professional certification and assessment, international assessment and normal monitoring of basic state data should be the basic structure and trend of higher vocational education evaluation. The evaluation content should strengthen the measurement of the following factors: the quality of stakeholder participation in the governance of higher vocational education; the internal governance structure and governance capacity of institutions; the efficiency of running schools and the degree of meeting the needs of regional economic and social development; the integration of industry and education; Work-study combination of training and other operating conditions.
目的构建日本血吸虫重组表达质粒pET32a-SjPGAM-SjEnol并在大肠埃希菌(E.coli BL21)中表达,观察重组抗原在小鼠抗血吸虫感染中的免疫保护作用。方法利用生物信息学技术筛选Sj
The rise of crude oil prices is reshaping international relations oil prices around the world have been rocketing since the end of 2007.Oil prices broke through
曾经给实体书店带来毁灭性打击的线上图书零售商却同时选择了开展自己的线下业务,实体书店的冬天终于要过去了吗?  美国时间2015年11月3日,亚马逊的第一家实体书店Amazon Books在西雅图市中心以北的购物中心University Village正式对外营业。不久之后的12月8日国内线上书城当当网也对外宣布了其建立书店的计划,未来三年当当网将在全国开设1000家线下书店,其中值得一提的是,计划
人芽囊原虫(Blastocystis hom inis,Bh)是最常见的人类肠道寄生原虫之一,高发于热带和亚热带地区,发展中国家感染率(30%~50%)明显高于发达国家(1.5%~10%)[1]。近些年来的一些
摘要:随着社会的发展,对人才的要求也越来越高,具有良好的英语能力是非常重要。在英语教学中,如何激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性,培养学生的创新思维能力呢?兴趣是学生主动学习的内在动力。假如学生对英语知识产生了浓厚的兴趣,最大限度的发挥学生的自觉主动性去研究知识。  关键词:初中英语;趣味性;幽默语言;创设情境;多媒体  随着社会的发展,对人才的要求也越来越高,具有良好的英语能力是非常重