少年朋友们,你们已经从一个稚童成长为健壮的少年,“识文断字”的学生,可曾想过父母为你们付出了多少劳动和心血? 且不说母亲十月怀胎的艰辛,只是从你们呱呱坠地那天起,就给父母带来了何等沉重的负担!你们幼童时期无知无识,饿了要吃,渴了要喝,躺着不舒服哭闹着要人抱,吃喝拉撒睡都需要大人来料理。到了上学的年龄,父母牵着手把你们送进学校,从此又在他们繁重的家务劳动中增添了一项新内容——督促、辅导你们完成家庭作业。你们病了,父母焦心忧虑,日夜守候在身旁;放学后你们归家迟了,父母倚门翘首而望;天气骤变,下雨了,父母怕你们淋着,下雪了,怕你们冻着……
Juvenile friends, you have grown from a young boy to a sturdy teenager, and you have thought about how much work and effort your parents have paid for you? Not to mention the hardships that mothers have conceived in October , Just from the day you were born, give parents what a heavy burden! Your childhood ignorance, hungry to eat, thirsty to drink, lie uncomfortable crying people hold, eat and drink Asleep need adults to cook. By the time I go to school, parents bring you to school and from there add a new element to their heavy housework - supervise and guide you through your homework. When you are ill, your parents are anxious and anxious, and they are waiting by day and night. After you go home, you are late for work, and your parents are looking forward to the door. When the weather changes suddenly and it rains, your parents are scared to shower and snow, ...