1.不同价值观下的两类数学课1999年6月上旬,应我国教育部邀请,以美国卡内基教学促进基金会主席舒尔曼(Lee S.Shulman)博士为团长的代表团来沪访问。此次访问,是从中美教育比较的角度,探讨数学教育的理论和实践问题,以及这些问题对推动教育改革、制定教育政策所产生的影响。学术探讨分两部分进行:一是由上海市教育科学研究院举办“中美数学教育高级研讨会”;二是交流
1. Two types of mathematics under different values In early June 1999, at the invitation of the Ministry of Education of China, a delegation led by Dr. Lee S. Shulman, chairman of the Carnegie Foundation for Promotion of Education in the United States, came to Shanghai. access. This visit is based on the comparative education between China and the United States, and discusses the theoretical and practical problems of mathematics education, and the impact of these issues on promoting education reform and formulating education policies. The academic discussion is divided into two parts: First, the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences organizes the “Sino-American Mathematics Education Advanced Symposium”;