什么叫做全球化?从表面意义来讲,全球化是不受地理限制的行为,多数国家已经实行,并且有推行到全世界的趋势。让我们从经济、政治和文化三个方面来看看,地球上有哪些事情已经或者正在全球化。一、经济方面的全球化 1.交通全球化航海全球化麦哲伦,葡萄牙航海家,后为西班牙服务。1519年,他从西班牙西南港口启航,跨越大西洋向西南航行,到达南美的里约热内卢,沿
What is globalization? In a superficial sense, globalization is an act that is not geographically restricted. Most countries have implemented it and have the tendency to push it all over the world. Let us look at three aspects of economy, politics and culture to see what has happened on Earth or is being globalized. I. Economic Globalization 1. Transport Globalization Globalization Magellan, a Portuguese voyager, served after Spain. In 1519, he sailed from the southwestern port of Spain and navigated southwest across the Atlantic Ocean to Rio de Janeiro in South America.