香石竹(学名:Dianthus caryo-phyllus.)别名:麝香石竹、康乃馨。科属:石竹科、石竹属。花色娇艳,并且芳香,单朵花的花期较长。香石竹原产于南欧,地中海北岸,法国到希腊一带,现在世界各地广泛栽培,主要产区在意大利、荷兰、波兰、以色列、哥伦比亚、美国等。1943年5月美国首次发行母亲节邮票。邮票图案是一幅世界名画,画面上一位母亲,凝视着花瓶中的石竹。在此邮票传播下,母亲节和石竹花便联系在一起。欧洲各国
Carnation (scientific name: Dianthus caryo-phyllus.) Alias: carnation, carnation. Branch: Dianthus, Dianthus. Beautiful and charming colors, and fragrant, single flowering longer. Carnation native to southern Europe, the northern coast of the Mediterranean, France to Greece, now widely cultivated around the world, the main producing areas in Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Colombia, the United States. May 1943 the United States issued the first mother’s day stamps. The stamp pattern is a world famous painting with a mother on the picture staring at Dianthus in a vase. In the spread of this stamp, Mother’s Day and Dianthus will be linked together. European countries