他们来自美国宾夕法尼亚州的煤矿、加拿大萨斯喀彻温省的麦田、英国曼彻斯特的工厂和法国布列塔尼半岛的海滨……1944年6月6日凌晨,英吉利海峡的迷雾尚未消散之际,来自6个国家的155000多名官兵开始在法国诺曼底实施登陆。盟军方面的15000多名官兵和差不多同样数量的德军在诺曼底登陆的头一天——D日阵亡或负伤。对大多数参加诺曼底登陆战的盟军幸存者来说,D 日这一天是他们一生中恐怖与昂奋交织在一起的最为难忘的时刻。
They came from coal mines in Pennsylvania of the United States, wheat fields in Saskatchewan, Canada, factories in Manchester in England and the waterfront in Brittany, France ... In the early hours of June 6, 1944, when the fog of the English Channel had not dissipated, Over 155,000 officers and men from six countries started to land in Normandy, France. More than 15,000 officers and soldiers of the Allied Forces were killed or wounded on the D-Day, the same day as almost the same number of Germans landed in Normandy. For most survivors of the Allied forces participating in the Battle of Normandy, D-Day is the most memorable moment in their life full of horror and excitement.