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交通部副部长郑光迪在7月份于深圳召开的交通部现代企业制度试点企业座谈会上指出,交通企业要加强对现代企业制度的认识,做好“转机”和“建制”的衔接,认真抓好试点工作。 郑副部长指出,党的十四届三中全会根据十四大提出的建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标,提出了转换国有企业经营机制,建立现代企业制度的任务,标志着我国的企业改革由前一段的放权让利为主要内容的政策调整,转到以明晰产权关系为主要内容的企业制度创新阶段。现代企业制度包括的内容丰富,是一项艰巨复杂的系统工程。交通企业不要等文件,要“自我革命”,抓住机遇,主动探索,勇于实践。 转换经营机制和建立现代企业制度的任务和方向是一致的。要解决当前企业面,临的大量实际问题,首先要狠抓企业转换经营机制,政府部门要切实转变职能,企业眼睛向内,把本身的工作做好。在“转轨建制”的工作安排上,交通部正在加大 Deputy Minister of Transportation Zheng Guangdi pointed out at the symposium on pilot enterprises of the modern enterprise system under the Ministry of Communications in Shenzhen in July that transport enterprises should strengthen their understanding of the modern enterprise system and make a good connection between “turning point” and “establishment” pilot work. Vice Minister Zheng pointed out that the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party set forth the task of transforming the operating mechanism of state-owned enterprises and establishing a modern enterprise system in accordance with the goal set by the 14th CPC Central Committee in establishing a socialist market economic system. This marked that the reform of our country’s enterprises was based on The previous paragraph of the delegation of power and profit as the main content of the policy adjustment, to clear the relationship between property rights as the main content of the enterprise system innovation stage. The rich content included in the modern enterprise system is a formidable and complicated systematic project. Transport companies do not wait for documents, to “self-revolution,” seize the opportunity to take the initiative to explore and have the courage to practice. The tasks and directions of transforming the operating mechanism and establishing a modern enterprise system are the same. To solve a large number of practical problems faced by the enterprises at the moment, we must first pay close attention to the mechanism for enterprises to transform their operations, and government departments must effectively transform their functions, and enterprises should look inward and make their own work well. In the “transition system” work arrangements, the Ministry of Communications is increasing
1994年5月11~13日,中国港口协会在广州召开了三届三次暨四届一次理事会议。126名三届、四届理事、顾问、名誉理事及有关方面的领导和代表出席了会议。 交通部给大会发来了贺
本期“中国药品监管论坛”所探讨的主题是“药物临床试验中的权利保护”。在药物临床试验中,试验者和受试者之间存在着信息不对称。最近,在美国,愈来愈要求制药企业以 This
(续上期) 三、交通运输薄弱滞后使我国经济走了一条后劲不足的窄路,邓小平同志关于加强交通运输建设的讲话是对马列主义、毛泽东思想的丰富和发展 联系我国的实际,总结一下
新城有珍宝  嘉靖年间,新城县的知县陈松的官位是花钱买来的。刚一上任,他就想着怎么把钱给捞回来,再狠狠地赚上一笔。他以考察民情民风为由,让师爷隋远带着他到各处去看,那双贼溜溜的眼睛,其实就是在寻摸哪里能捞到钱。  这一天,两人来到城北的刘家务村,远远地就看到村边有一座土山,山上树木蓊郁,遮天蔽日。陈松不禁奇道:“这新城县一马平川,怎么偏偏这里有座土山呢?”  隋远忙着给他介绍说,这土山可有些年头了
5日 全国交通节能工作座谈会于6月28~29日在内蒙古呼和浩特市举行。据会上确认,交通运输业是消耗成品油的大户。专业运输车、船设备每年消耗燃油约2500万吨,占我国汽、柴油消