研究目的:要准确判断挤密桩处理地基的效果,就需要选择一种有效的方法进行测试。本文介绍的原位测试检测方法是在施工现场进行的一种检测方法。研究方法:原位测试是在挤密桩固化前进行静力触探测试,通过桩体不同固化材料的对比试验确定桩体比贯入阻力值和桩间土的比贯入阻力值的关系,利用这种对比关系便可进行施工过程的复合地基质量检测和控制。研究结果:文章就相对关系的建立和检测的程序、时间等都做了比较详细的说明,其中桩体比贯入阻力值的测试时间应先经室内试验,再经现场试验来确定,桩间土的比贯入阻力值则一般在成桩5~15 d内进行。原位测试方法速度快、费用低,可提高检测的频数,利于全面质量控制,且对桩的破坏很小。该方法目前已在郑西ZXZQ04标工艺试验中得到应用。研究结论:挤密桩复合地基原位测试检测方法简便、准确,符合现场实际情况,希望得到推广。
Research purposes: To accurately determine the effect of compaction pile foundation treatment, you need to select an effective method for testing. This article describes the in situ testing method is a detection method at the construction site. Research methods: In-situ testing is carried out in the static penetration test before the curing of the compaction piles. Through the contrast test of the different cured materials, the relationship between the penetration resistance of the pile and the penetration resistance of the soil between the piles is determined, Use of this comparison can be carried out during construction of the composite foundation quality testing and control. Results of the study: The article made a relatively detailed explanation on the establishment of relative relationship, testing procedures and time, etc. The test time of pile penetration resistance should be determined by laboratory test and field test, The ratio of soil penetration resistance is generally in the pile 5 ~ 15 d within. In situ testing method is fast, low cost, can increase the frequency of testing, which is conducive to total quality control and little damage to the pile. The method has been applied in ZhengX ZXZQ04 standard process test. Research conclusions: The in-situ testing method of compaction pile composite foundation is simple and accurate, which accords with the actual situation in the field and hopes to be popularized.