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  1. To request (something) to be supplied or made, esp. in return for payment
  2. The McDonald’sfor order is 4008-517-517 in Shanghai.
  3. The film will be shown in the.
  4. Not openly expressed
  5. What a poor fellow! She cries.
  6. Sound with reference to quality, pitch, or volume
  7. Forbidden by law
  8. A request for information; a question
  9. I’lla room in the Hilton Hotel
  10. You mustthat company to protect your children's rights and Interests.
  11. A case or particular example
  12. Not active or moving; stationary
  13. The state or fact of close association or communication
  14. A layer of rock that contains an ore; vein
  1. Capable of being raised
  2. To practise (a play, concert, etc), in preparation for public performance
  3. Not disturbed, agitated, or excited; under control
  4. The clock is strike .
  5. To embarrass or distress, esp. financially
  6. To deny any connection with; refuse to acknowledge
  7. At no time; not ever
  8. To give a blow or push to; strike
  9. A short outward and return journey; trip
  10.is called” Natural State” by people in USA.
  11. To take or receive (something offered)
  12. To fail to reach, hit, meet, find
  13. Not covered or weighted with lead
  14. The process of bringing a person; practice
  Across: 1.order 2.hotline 3.cinema 4.unavowed 5.lacrimal 6.tone 7.illegal
   8. inquiry 9.book 10.complain 11.instance 12.static 13.contact 14.ledge
  Down: 1.raisable 2.rehearse 3.calm 4.hourly 5.straiten 6.disown 7.never
  8. knock 9.outing 10.Arkansas 11.accept 12.miss 13.unleaded 14.training
分图片提供 视觉中国拐点?  我因一篇医学稿件约见青年医生唐青青时,正值2021年初夏,此时,国内逐渐趋于平稳的新冠疫情在广东地区再次泛起波澜,广州、深圳等地都出现了快速传播的本土感染案例。一位关注此事的同事告诉我,为排查病毒携带者,广州开始了严格的全民核酸检测,由于人手不足,一些医院甚至连心理医生都被临时抽调,去为市民查验核酸。  唐青青是我们这座中部省会城市的三甲医院医生,有近七年的行医经验,
Peter:Hi Sally, this is Peter, how are you tonight?  Sally:Good, Peter, and how about you?  Peter:Ok. Let me tell you why I’m calling … A bunch of us are planning to go sing Karaoke tonight over at th
On the Telephone – Talking with an Operator (1) 电话—与接线员的通话    Operator:Good morning, Easton’s Computers, how may I direct your call?  Man:Hello, I need to talk to someone about my computer.   Operator
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John:Hello, is that Diane?   Diane:Yes, who is this?  John:This is John calling … from the club.  Diane:Oh hi John. What can I do for you?  John:Well, I was wondering if you would like to go to a movi
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Mary:Hello Lisa, what’s new?  Lisa:Oh, hi Mary, not too much. I just finished work and it’s been a long week! The new project is almost done but it’s been so much work. I just want to relax and get ou
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Restaurant:Hello, Best Pizza, can I take your order?   Woman:Yes, I’d like to order two pizzas.  Restaurant:Fine. And what would you like?  Woman:First, I’d like a large pepperoni and mushroom with ex
香水我会用CLEAN,美国的一个小众牌子,他们很多系列中我最爱冷棉,性冷淡香调,味道有点像白T洗干净后被阳光晒干的味道,后味柔和清新自然且不油不腻,有让人想亲近且又让人蠢蠢欲动的感觉。以前是臀和腹肌,現在是手臂和背,哈哈!  Jason  生活方式博主分享近期健身的故事  感觉人的喜好是可以随着日积月累改变的,之前健身超爱练胸和深蹲,讨厌练背和其他部位,每次练完习惯性地喜欢用手摸,自我欺骗告诉自己