目的从红外光谱分析的角度去认识色型(品种)及产区对玛卡化学组成的影响。方法对云南丽江及会泽两产区的紫、黑、黄各3种玛卡进行了透射红外光谱测试并进行了光谱解析。结果 3种丽江玛卡的红外光谱差异相对强于会泽玛卡;2产区紫色玛卡红外光谱差异显著强于黑、黄玛卡;丽江紫玛卡的红外光谱与其他5种玛卡存在显著差异,糖类物质含量显著较高。结论色型对玛卡的化学组成具有非常重要的影响,产区对玛卡化学组成的影响与玛卡色型有关,紫色玛卡的地域差异显著,两产区的黑玛卡或黄玛卡具有一定的可替代性。
Objective To understand the effect of color (variety) and producing area on the chemical composition of Maca from the perspective of infrared spectroscopy. Methods Three kinds of purple, black and yellow macacas in Lijiang and Huize areas of Yunnan Province were tested by transmission infrared spectroscopy and analyzed by spectroscopy. Results The differences of infrared spectra between the three Lijiang Maca were stronger than that of Huizze Maca. The difference of purple Maca in two producing areas was significantly stronger than that of black and yellow Maca. The infrared spectra of Lijiang Maca were different from those of the other five Maca Significant differences, carbohydrate content was significantly higher. Conclusion The color type has a very important influence on the chemical composition of Maca. The influence of the producing areas on the chemical composition of Maca is related to the Maca color type. The purple Maca has significant geographical differences. The Black Maca or Yellow Maca Has a certain alternative.