马衔山在大地构造上属秦祁中间隆起带的青石岭-马衔山横断束的马衔山褶穹.本区广泛出露一套由混合岩及少量片麻岩、片岩、长英质粒岩和碳酸盐岩组成的前震旦纪地层,称为马衔山群.在南北山麓地带零星出露中、新生界的沉积物. 本区地质构造简单.褶皱、断裂均很明显.整个马衔山为-倒转复背斜,轴向北西-南东,宽5~8公里,长约30余公里.断裂均为115~150°方向的大断层. 侵入岩出露较少,比较大的岩体有小石马、华林坪和南大咀的花岗岩体,魏家河滩的辉长岩体,响水沟和大咀的辉绿岩体;分别为前寒武纪造山运动和加里东运动的产物.
Ma Mountain in the earth structure is QinQi uplift zone QingShiLing - MaJianShan transversal bundle of horse title mountain fold dome.A wide area exposed by a mixed rock and a small amount of gneiss, schist, ChangYing plasmid Pre-Sinian strata composed of rocks and carbonates are called Majiashan Fm. The sediments of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sporadically appear in the foothills of the northern and southern fossils. The geological structure in this area is simple with obvious folds and faults. The title mountain is an inverted anticlinal anticline, axially northwest-south east, 5 to 8 km wide and over 30 km long. Both faults are large faults in the direction of 115-150 °. The intrusive rocks are less exposed and have larger rocks The body is composed of granite bodies such as Xiaoshizhima, Hualinping and Nantaizu, gabbro bodies of Wei Jiahe Beach, diabase and diabase bodies of Datui, respectively; products of the Precambrian orogeny and the Caledonian movement, respectively .