
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyang_8591
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Objective: Paternal deletion and maternal uniparental disomy are the principa l genetic subtypes associated with Prader- Willi syndrome (PWS). Recent clinica l findings suggest differences in phenotype between these subtypes. The present experimental study addresses this issue using a cognitive psycho- physiological setup. Methods: Behaviour and event- related brain activity (ERP) was recorded by a continuous performance response inhibition task (CPT- AX) in adults with paternal deletion PWS (n=11), maternal uniparental disomy PWS (n=11) and normal controls (n=11). The dependent behavioural variables of the CPT- AX task were r eaction time and correct scores. For the ERPs the N200 and P300 components were included which are related to early modality- specific inhibition and late gene ral inhibition, respectively. Results: The disomy group had fewer correct scores and increased reaction times as compared to the CPT- AX task than the control and deletion group. Both PWS subgroups differed significantly from the control g roup for the N200 amplitude. Only the control group showed the typical task modu lation for the N200 amplitude. The amplitude of the P300 component was considera bly smaller in the uniparental disomy group than in the deletion and control gro ups. Conclusions: The ERP results suggest that early modality specific inhibitio n is impaired in both PWS genetic subtypes. Late general inhibition is impaired in the uniparental disomy group only. Thus, although the ERP data suggests a com mon impairment in early visual inhibition processing, uniparental disomy and par ental deletion genetic PWS subtypes clearly differ in their behavioural and brai n activation phenotypes. Significance: The present study is the first experiment al demonstration which explains the two principal genetic mechanisms that hinder the expression of the genes at 15q11- q13g in PWS result in different behaviou ral phenotype. Objective: Paternally deleted and maternal uniparental disomy are the principa l genetic subtypes associated with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Recent clinica l findings suggest differences in phenotype between these subtypes. The present experimental study addresses this issue using a cognitive psycho- physiological setup . Methods: Behavior and event-related brain activity (ERP) was recorded by a continuous performance response inhibition task (CPT-AX) in adults with paternal deletion PWS (n = 11), maternal uniparental disomy PWS Controls (n = 11). The dependent behavioral variables of the CPT-AX task were r eaction time and correct scores. For the ERPs the N200 and P300 components were included are are related to early modality- specific inhibition and late gene ral inhibition, respectively. Results: The disorganized group had fewer correct scores and increased reaction times as compared to the CPT-AX task than the control and deletion group. Both PWS subgroups differe The amplitude of the P300 component was considera bly smaller in the uniparental disomy group than in the deletion and control gro ups Conclusions: The ERP results suggest that early modality specific inhibitio n in impaired in the uniparental disomy group only. Both of the uniparental disomy group only. Significance: The present study is the first experiment al demonstration which explains the two principal genetic mechanisms that hinder the expression of the genes at 15q11- q13g in. PWS result in different behavioral ral phenotype.
配置清单前声场喇叭:以色列摩雷优特声602 1套功放:意大利MOSCONI(武士刚柔)ONE 120.4 1台车主彭先生是高校名师,此前他朋友一台丰田皇冠在本店升级了一套音响,感觉很满意,就
配置清单前声场喇叭:以色列摩雷都达欧韵迅两分频套装1套功放:香港哈磊SA-804 1台车主爱车如命,不仅追求时尚的外观、澎湃的动力,对车内音响环境也非常在意,在很早就有对爱车
配置清单前声场喇叭:以色列摩雷意蕾三分频套装喇叭1套前声场功放:意大利武士刚柔MOSCONI AS 200.2 1台车主喜欢人声音乐,摩雷的高解析诠释人声最恰当不过了,在选择升级器材
目的:探讨白介素-6(interleukin-6,IL-6)、触珠蛋白(haptoglobin,HPT)、淀粉样蛋白(serum amyloid A,SAA)在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)
【李琳简介】  江苏省特级教师,力学小学党委书记,南京市语文学科带头人,先后荣获全国优秀教师、南京市“五一”劳动奖章、南京市劳动模范等荣誉。曾获全国小学语文研讨会论文一等奖,江苏省、南京市小学语文课赛一等奖。2009年由江苏人民出版社出版个人专著《为童年点灯》。  是读《三字经》《弟子规》《唐诗三百首》,还是读《格林童话》《伊索寓言》,抑或《舒克和贝塔》《淘气包马小跳》?关于小学生该读什么课外书的