流行性出血热是一组由虫媒病毒引起的,以发热、出血、伴有循环衰竭为特征的急性传染病。近年来,随着卫生防疫工作的不断实施、完善,此类疾病临床上并不多见。我院于1997年10月收治1例,现将诊治体会报道如下。 1临床资料 患者男,42岁。因发热、头痛、9天伴尿少2天就诊于我院。 1.1临床表现 畏寒发热、头痛,伴有轻咳、腹泻、大便呈黑色,质稀软,间有胨状物。病程中频繁呕逆,腰背部酸胀明显,入院后第2天出现牙龈出血。 1.2体格检查 T 39.2℃,P 96次/分,BP 95/68mmHg,R 24次/分。意识清楚,精神较差,面部潮红,眼眶压痛(+),P 96次/分,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音。双肺呼吸音增粗,腹平软,肝脾肋下未及,无压痛及反跳痛,双肾区叩痛阳性,双下肢无水肿。 1.3实验室检查 血RT:Hb95g/L,RBC 3.5×10~(12)/L,WBC20.9×10~9/L,N 0.85,L 0.15,血小板:80×10~9/L,尿RT:RBC(+++),WBC(+),Pro(++),肾功能:VREAN:47.88mmol/L,crES:661.4μmol/L。
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever is a group of acute infectious diseases characterized by arbovirus that is characterized by fever, bleeding, and circulatory failure. In recent years, with the constant implementation and improvement of health and epidemic prevention work, such diseases are rare clinically. In our hospital in October 1997 admitted to a case, now diagnosis and treatment experience is reported as follows. 1 Clinical data Patient male, 42 years old. Due to fever, headache, 9 days less with urine visit 2 days in our hospital. 1.1 Clinical manifestations of chills and fever, headache, accompanied by light cough, diarrhea, stool was black, thin and soft, between peptoids. Frequent vomiting in the course of the disease, apparent back pain, bloody gingival bleeding on the first 2 days after admission. 1.2 Physical examination T 39.2 ℃, P 96 beats / min, BP 95/68 mmHg, R 24 beats / min. Consciousness, poor spirits, facial flushing, orbital tenderness (+), P 96 beats / min, law Qi, the valve area is not known and pathological murmur. Breathe sound thickening of the lungs, abdomen soft, liver and spleen ribs and no time, no tenderness and rebound tenderness, kidney area percussion pain positive, no lower extremity edema. 1.3 laboratory blood RT: Hb95g / L, RBC 3.5 × 10-12 / L, WBC20.9 × 10 ~ 9/L, N 0.85, L 0.15, platelets: 80 × 10 ~ 9 / L, urine RT : RBC (+++), WBC (+), Pro (++), Renal function: VREAN: 47.88 mmol / L, crES: 661.4 μmol / L.