每一天我们的生活都离不开空气,它是所有生物的生命支柱。在这种混合物中氮气和氧气的含量就占到了99%,而剩余的1%包括:0.94%的稀有气体、0.03%的二氧化碳、0,03%的其他气体和杂质。其中0.94%的稀有气体给了科学家们无数的惊喜,也为我们的生活增添了奇异。一、稀有气体元素的发现稀有气体中最先被发现的是氩。1882年 J·瑞利想要证实谱劳特的假说,着手测定氢和氧的密度以便证实或否定它们的相对原子质量(1:16)。经过十年后他宣布,氢和
Every day our life is inseparable from the air, it is the lifeblood of all living things. The nitrogen and oxygen contents of this mixture account for 99%, while the remaining 1% consists of 0.94% rare gas, 0.03% carbon dioxide, 0,03% other gases and impurities. Among them, 0.94% rare gas gives innumerable surprises to scientists and adds strangeness to our life. First, the discovery of rare gas elements Rare gas was first discovered in argon. In 1882 J Rayleigh wanted to prove the hypothesis of the spectrum of Lauter and proceed with the determination of the hydrogen and oxygen densities in order to confirm or deny their relative atomic mass (1:16). After a decade he announced that hydrogen and