为了解我市建设工地卫生防病管理现状,探索规范建设工地卫生防病及流动人口管理的方式,按照《湖南省建设工地卫生防病管理暂行规定》的要求,1997年我们对市城区35处流动人口聚集的建设工地进行了卫生防病监督监测,结果报告如下。1 内容与方法11 采用全面摸底?
In order to understand the current status of hygiene and disease prevention management in construction sites in the city, and explore ways to standardize hygiene, disease prevention and management of floating population in construction sites, in accordance with the requirements of the “Provisional Regulations on the Management of Hygiene and Disease Prevention in Construction Sites in Hunan Province”, in 1997, we responded to 35 municipalities in urban areas. Monitoring and monitoring of hygiene and disease prevention was carried out at the construction site where the floating population gathered. The results are reported below. 1 Content and Methodology 11 Using Comprehensive Mapping?