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水晶肴肉的特点:有肥有瘦,肥的不腻,瘦的酥烂,老幼喜吃。自制方法:选料:鲜猪前蹄膀一只(连皮约3~4市斤重为宜),鲜猪脚两只,精盐3~4市两,花椒2钱,桂皮、八角、葱、姜、料酒少许,食用明矾一小粒(约黄豆大小)。腌制:猪蹄膀取骨,整个剖成琵琶形。猪脚一只剖开为二。猪毛刮净。精盐、花椒先入锅炒微焦,冷却备用。先将猪蹄膀瘦肉厚处用刀尖戳几下(不 Crystal dishes meat features: fat and thin, fat is not greasy, thin Sulao, like to eat old age. Homemade methods: Selection of materials: fresh pigs before the hoof bladder (even about 3 to 4 pounds weight is appropriate), pigs feet two, 3 to 4 municipal salt, pepper 2 money, cinnamon, star anise, Ginger, cooking wine a little, eat a small alum (about soybean size). Marinated: pig’s trotters take the bone, the entire profile into a lute. One pig cut open for two. Pig hair scraping net. Salt, pepper into the pan fried micro-focus, cooling standby. First pig trotters lean thick with a few sharp knife edge (no
一个农家女孩8年前创新了一种奇特的画“三皮画”,受到世人关注,几年时间,她的画蜚声国内外,远销日本、英国、韩国、马来西亚、澳大利亚等多个国家,形成一个新兴文化产业,带动了当地经济的发展,实现了她的创富梦想。    勇于探索,树皮画备受追捧    这个女孩叫沈运香,出生于广西桂林市临桂县五通镇,父亲是木工,喜欢在家具上画一些简单的画。沈运香小时候经常蹲在父亲身边看他画画。父亲发现女儿对画画有兴趣,就