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多年来,学术界关于生产力发展的根本动力问题进行了多方面的研究和争鸣,形成了三种主要观点:一是主张生产力发展的根本动力是生产关系或新的生产关系。二是认为生产力发展的根本动力是生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动。三是认为生产力自身会发展,有自己发展的内在动力。本文梳理并评析了这些观点,认为生产力的内部矛盾是生产力发展的根本动力,主张以生产力多要素论取代二要素论或三要素论,从而更加全面地揭示生产力发展的根本动力。 Over the years, academic circles have conducted many studies and disputes on the fundamental motive force for the development of the productive forces and have formed three major views: First, the fundamental driving force for advocating the development of productive forces is the relations of production or new relations of production. Second, we think that the fundamental driving force for the development of the productive forces is the contradictory movement between the productive forces and the relations of production. Third, we think that productivity will develop on its own and that it will have an intrinsic motivation for its own development. This paper reviews and comments on these views and holds that the internal contradictions of the productive forces are the fundamental motive force for the development of productive forces and advocate the replacement of the two or three elements with the multifactorial theory of productive forces so that the fundamental motivation for the development of productive forces can be more fully revealed.
目的:了解护士职业倦怠、工作家庭冲突、控制感的现状,探讨护士职业倦怠与工作家庭冲突、控制感之间的关系。方法:采用李小妹翻译的Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI)的系列问
千千为敌,一夫胜之,未若自胜,为战中上。《法句经卷上·述千品》  这个偈子是说,若以一个人的力量去战胜成千上万的敌人,当然是够勇猛的战将了,但是,还不如战胜自己的烦恼心来得有价值。这四句话意味着“最大的敌人是自己”。  人的一生,总是在与自然环境、社会环境、家庭环境做着适应及克服的努力。因此有人形容人生如战场,勇者胜而懦者败;从生到死的生命过程中,所遭遇的许多人、事、物,都是战斗的对象。其实,自己