介绍了天津石油化工公司炼油厂对其催化裂化装置反应再生系统进行技术改造的情况。在提升管反应器的油气分离系统中采用了美国UOP公司的涡流式快速分离系统 (VDS) ;对预提升段、进料段、汽提段、再生器的内构件和待生输送线路等进行了改造。改造后装置对焦化蜡油等劣质原料的适应性增强 ,生产情况表明 ,产品分布和烧焦效果得到改善 ,催化剂跑损降低 ,生产成本减少 ,各项经济技术指标达到国内先进水平。
The technical transformation of the catalytic cracking unit reaction and regeneration system of the refinery of Tianjin Petrochemical Company was introduced. In the riser reactor oil and gas separation system used in the United States UOP eddy current rapid separation system (VDS); on the pre-promotion section, the feed section, stripping section, the regeneration of the internal components and pending delivery lines, etc. Transformation. The adaptability of inferior raw materials such as coker wax after the reform is enhanced. The production shows that the product distribution and scorching effect are improved, the running loss of the catalyst is reduced, the production cost is reduced, and various economic and technical indicators have reached the advanced domestic level.