以创作伟人、名人肖像画而蜚声中外画坛的中央美院教授李琦先生,在纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年之际,又推出了一组肖像作品《正义之师五统帅》。 作品以焦墨画技法,用概括、简练、明快的线条,准确地刻划出斯大林、毛泽东、罗斯福、丘吉尔、戴高乐五位统帅各不相同的面貌和神态,令人叹为观止。 焦墨画艺术是中国传统绘画的一种技法,自古至今,在各名家之中,以此技表现山水、花鸟者屡见不鲜,而刻划人物的画家则不多见,尤其以此技创作肖像作品的更属罕见。因为此技所依赖的表现
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war, the Central Academy of Fine Arts professor Li Qi, renowned for creating great portraits and celebrity portraits, has launched a series of portraits of the “Five Masters of Justice.” The work uses the technique of coke ink painting to accurately describe the different looks and demeanor of the five commanders of Stalin, Mao Zedong, Roosevelt, Churchill and Charles de Gaulle by using generalized, concise and clever lines. Coke ink painting art is a technique of traditional Chinese painting. Since ancient times, among all the famous artists, landscapes and landscapes have been used as examples to show that the birds and flowers are not uncommon, while the painters who characterize them are rare, especially in the portrait works More rare. Because of this technology depends on the performance