川岛芳子,本名金碧辉,出生于晚清末年,是清末贵族亲王善耆之女。7岁那年,其父妄图凭借日本帝国主义势力恢复清朝王室,将她过继给日本军国主义份子川岛浪速作养女,改名川岛芳子。后受训充当日军间谍,为日军侵略中国、发动“九一八”事变等充当汉奸卖国贼角色。1948年3月 25日晨6时左右,被国民政府监禁两年多的川岛芳子,在北平第一监狱被秘密处决,终年42岁。川岛芳子伏法后,北平各大报刊对她生死不明、以假充真等“新闻”作了报道,社会上也出现多种传说,川岛芳子之死从而成为民国大案之一。
Kawashima Founder, his real name Jin Bihui, was born in the late Qing dynasty, is the late Qing Dynasty princely prince Shan Shan woman. At the age of 7, his father vainly attempted to restore the Qing royal family by the Japanese imperialist forces and escorted her to the militarist father of Kawashima, the Japanese militarist, and renamed Kawashima. After being trained as a Japanese spy, the Japanese army invaded China and launched the “September 18 Incident” to serve as a traitor to a traitor. At around 6 am on March 25, 1948, Kawashima, who was imprisoned for more than two years by the Nationalist government, was executed in secret in Peiping First Prison and was 42 years old. After the Kawashima Fono Volt method, Peking’s major newspapers and magazines gave birth and death to her, reporting on such news as Fushizhen and various kinds of legends in society. The death of Kawashima became one of the major cases in the Republic of China.