电影作品常常对再现伟人丰采情有独钟。电影艺术家成功地塑造了拿破仑、列宁、毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、陈毅等伟人形象, 有些也很成功。但是,看了大型文献纪录片《周恩来外交风云》.却让人感觉到:再天才的演员也无法完整再现伟人丰采,真实具有不可超越的魅力。真实的魅力首先源于它不可重复的历史价值。历史永远是单向发展的,正如生命不可回转。但那些存在于历史上的人物事件却不会随时间流逝而消失,他们的精神、品质和踪迹还留在今天的生活里。假如镜头纪录了那些伟大的瞬间或伟人的音容笑貌,使我们有机会看到伟人的真实风貌。
Film works often have a soft spot for the reproduction of the great man. The film artists succeeded in shaping the images of great men like Napoleon, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yi, some of them very successful. However, watching a large documentary documentary “Zhou Enlai Diplomatic Situation.” But people feel that: genius actor can not reproduce the rich man of integrity, the real charm can not be beyond. True charm comes first and foremost from its inexorable historical value. History is always one-way development, just as life can not be reversed. However, those historical events that have existed in history will not disappear over time, and their spirit, quality and track still remain in today's life. If the lens records the sound of those great moments or great smile, so that we have the opportunity to see the great man's true style.