一、问题的提出 学生的良好发展有赖于智力和非智力因素的发展。心理学研究认为智力与先天因素相关较大,具有相对稳定性的特征;非智力因素则完全是后天获得,且具有很大的可变性。 然而,近半个世纪以来,教育研究者一直使用智力测验来预测学生的学业成绩。研究表明,智力与以后的学业成绩可达到0.5至0.7的正相关。这方面的研究大多偏重
I. Questioning Students’ good development depends on the development of intellectual and non-intellectual factors. Psychology studies believe that intelligence is related to innate factors and has relatively stable characteristics; non-intellectual factors are acquired completely and have great variability. However, for nearly half a century, educational researchers have used intelligence tests to predict students’ academic performance. Studies have shown that intelligence and future academic performance can reach a positive correlation of 0.5 to 0.7. Most of the research in this area focuses on