近年由House等倡用并发展成一整套的手术方法,对不同的听神经经瘤采用不同的手术入路,取得较好的效果,在听神瘤手术史上作出了新的发展,现将三种手术入路简介如下: 颅中窝入路从颅中窝进入内听道适于切除局限于内听道内的小肿瘤,其优点是:(1)保护面神经功能,(2)保持听力,(3)防止损伤脑干或小脑,(4)术后并发症少。手术体位病人仰卧,头偏向健侧,病侧在上。手术者位于手术台的头端。切口在耳屏前一横指宽处作颅中窝开颅术常规皮肤切口。
In recent years, House et al. have advocated and developed a complete set of surgical methods. Different surgical approaches have been used for different acoustic nerve tumors to achieve better results. New developments have been made in the history of the surgical treatment of aneurysms. The brief introduction of the approach is as follows: The intracranial fossa approach from the middle cranial fossa into the inner auditory canal is suitable for resection of small tumours confined within the inner auditory canal. The advantages are: (1) protection of facial nerve function, (2) maintenance of hearing, (3) To prevent damage to the brainstem or cerebellum, (4) Less postoperative complications. Surgical position patient supine, head to the contralateral side, the patient’s side is on. The operator is located at the head of the operating table. The incision was made at the transverse width of the front of the tragus as a conventional skin incision in the craniotomy.