三、计算机辅助诊断 (一)概述医疗的过程可以分为“诊”、“断”和“治”三个基本阶段(见医疗器械1981年第一期“工程与医学”),即医务人员从病人身上取得反映病人机体功能的各种信息;医师对所获得的信息进行分析,作出判断;以及根据所作判断制订出治疗计划,并在病人身上加以实施。这一过程在整个治疗过程中可以反复进行。三个阶段相互间有着密切的关连。如果人们能从病人身上取得十分精确、全面的信息,则医生要作出正确的判断就要容易得多。
III. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (I) Overview The process of medical treatment can be divided into three basic stages of “diagnosis”, “breakage” and “cure” (see the first issue of medical equipment in 1981, Engineering and Medicine) The patient obtains various kinds of information reflecting the function of the patient’s body; the physician analyzes the information obtained to make a judgment; and makes a treatment plan based on the judgment made and carries out the treatment on the patient. This process can be repeated throughout the course of treatment. The three stages are closely related to each other. If people can get very accurate and comprehensive information from their patients, it is much easier for doctors to make the right judgments.