Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is more common clinically, because its parts are deep, surrounded by bone and soft tissue wrap around, radiotherapy should choose to penetrate large, low-skin, low bone absorption of high school energy rays as well. In our department, ~(60)cobalt treatment machines are used. The external radiation is generally based on the prefrontal field, and the armpit field or product field is the auxiliary field because the tumor is easily transferred to the upper cervical and upper cervical lymph nodes. We often use the front neck tangential field for radiotherapy. The upper boundary of the wild reaches the lower edge of the mandible, and the lower border flats the lower edge of the clavicle. When the field is exposed, it requires: supine, shoulder pillow or angle plate, head backwards, horizontal symmetrical shoulders. The extension of the lower edge of the mandible is made through the mastoid tip and perpendicular to the treatment bed. 3cm in the middle of the field to protect the neck of the larynx, trachea, and esophagus, to reduce damage to the brain stem and spinal cord, and to illuminate the front of the ear. Position requirements: open mouth with cork, lateral, coronal plane perpendicular to the bed, The sagittal plane is parallel to the bed surface. Vertical irradiation or supine, the head turned 90 degrees horizontal irradiation. Before