输血是很多急性失血和慢性失血等疾病的必须治疗方法,但输血也会引起一些不良反应,主要有发热反应、过敏反应、溶血反应、输血后紫瘢、血小板无效输注、细菌污染性输血反应、循环负荷过重等。据资料显示[1] ,136例输血事故中有3% 发生在供血中心,1O%发生在医生处方和护士采样中,36%发生在医院血库,51% 发生在血样收集和管理中。笔者针对临床输血过程中护士常见的一些不规范操作行为进行分析并提出相应对策,以提高患者输血安全。
Blood transfusion is a necessary treatment for many acute and chronic blood loss diseases. However, transfusion may cause some adverse reactions, such as fever, allergic reaction, hemolytic reaction, purple scar after transfusion, invalid platelet transfusion, bacterial transfusion reaction , Heavy cycle load and so on. According to statistics [1], 3% of 136 blood transfusions occurred in blood supply centers, 10% occurred in doctors' prescriptions and nurse samples, 36% occurred in hospital blood banks, and 51% occurred in blood collection and management. The author analyzes some common non-standard operation behaviors of nurses during clinical transfusion and puts forward corresponding countermeasures to improve the transfusion safety of patients.