【关键词】:新闻稿件 翻译 技巧
More rail stoppages likely in Britain
LONDON-Jan.25(AP)-- Britain’s 25,000 train drivers returned to work Monday after paralyzing the country’s rail network with a one-day strike Sunday, their fourth stoppage since January 13.
The state-run British Rail Network hoped for “ a near-normal service” Monday, but stressed that an overtime ban by the drivers will cause some disruption, particularly around London, signaling more misery for the capital’s one million trike-weary commuters.
Hopes of ending the dispute that has left Britain without trains for six of the last 13 days faded Sunday night after talks between British Rail and the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEOF) broke down.
The drivers have now staged two one-day Sunday strikes and two 48-hour midweek shutdowns. Their union executive meets Tuesday and was likely to order more stoppages despite warnings BR may lay off other railmen during the shutdowns.
An ASLEOF spokesman reported:”the executive is expected to order another strike on Wednesday and Thursday and continue the ban on overtime and Sunday working.”
BR Chairman Sir Peter Parker warned Sunday that BR was considering laying off some 70,000 other employees on Wednesdays if the stoppages continue.
As the dispute entered its third week, the conservative Daily Mail reflected growing public anger at the chaos on the 17,700-km rail network with a front page editorial demanding though action by BR against the strikers.
美联社1月25日伦敦电,在星期日的罢工导致全国铁路系统瘫痪之后,英国25000名火车司机在周一重返其工作岗位, 这是他们自1月13日以来举行的第四次罢工。
[1] 刘其中.新闻翻译教程[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004.
[2] 师梦霞.新闻翻译的超文本因素研究[J].东华理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 33(2)
[3] 卢卫中.语境对报刊新闻翻译的制约作用[J].上海科技翻译,2002.2
【关键词】:新闻稿件 翻译 技巧
More rail stoppages likely in Britain
LONDON-Jan.25(AP)-- Britain’s 25,000 train drivers returned to work Monday after paralyzing the country’s rail network with a one-day strike Sunday, their fourth stoppage since January 13.
The state-run British Rail Network hoped for “ a near-normal service” Monday, but stressed that an overtime ban by the drivers will cause some disruption, particularly around London, signaling more misery for the capital’s one million trike-weary commuters.
Hopes of ending the dispute that has left Britain without trains for six of the last 13 days faded Sunday night after talks between British Rail and the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEOF) broke down.
The drivers have now staged two one-day Sunday strikes and two 48-hour midweek shutdowns. Their union executive meets Tuesday and was likely to order more stoppages despite warnings BR may lay off other railmen during the shutdowns.
An ASLEOF spokesman reported:”the executive is expected to order another strike on Wednesday and Thursday and continue the ban on overtime and Sunday working.”
BR Chairman Sir Peter Parker warned Sunday that BR was considering laying off some 70,000 other employees on Wednesdays if the stoppages continue.
As the dispute entered its third week, the conservative Daily Mail reflected growing public anger at the chaos on the 17,700-km rail network with a front page editorial demanding though action by BR against the strikers.
美联社1月25日伦敦电,在星期日的罢工导致全国铁路系统瘫痪之后,英国25000名火车司机在周一重返其工作岗位, 这是他们自1月13日以来举行的第四次罢工。
[1] 刘其中.新闻翻译教程[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004.
[2] 师梦霞.新闻翻译的超文本因素研究[J].东华理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 33(2)
[3] 卢卫中.语境对报刊新闻翻译的制约作用[J].上海科技翻译,2002.2