幻影2000是法国政府于1975年12月18日决定选用的超音速战斗机种。计划要求,到八十年代中期以后它将代替幻影Ⅲ作为法国空军的主力战斗机。这种飞机主要发展三种型号:防空截击型、战斗轰炸型和出口型。其主要特点是:技术先进,结构重量轻,气动特性和飞行性能好,续航能力强。幻影2000的原型机自1978年3月起已先后进行了数百次飞行试验,经过改进、定型、生产,现已开始装备部队。 这里译载的一组短文比较集中地反映了幻影2000的战术技术性能和武器装备情况,对此感兴趣的读者,定能从中获得必要的信息。
Mirage 2000 is the French government decided on December 18, 1975 supersonic fighter aircraft selection. It is planned that by the mid-1980s it will replace Phantom III as the main fighter of the French Air Force. The main development of this aircraft three models: air defense intercept, combat bombing and export. Its main features are: advanced technology, light weight, good aerodynamic characteristics and flight performance, long life. Phantom 2000 prototype has been carried out since March 1978 hundreds of flight tests, after improvement, stereotypes, production, has now begun to equip troops. A set of essays translated here reflects more closely the phantom technical performance and weaponry of Mirage 2000, and interested readers will be able to obtain the necessary information.