划分季节一般把公历9—11月定为秋季。按这种分法,世界各地虽在时间上同属一个季节,但南、北实际气温却差异较大。所以,现在多以候(每5天为1候)平均气温为标准,即候平均气温为10—22℃,可视为秋季。 根据祖国传统医学理论,秋季气候变化以“燥”为特点。时值秋今,自然界阳气渐收,阴气渐长。天气由热转凉。草木结实,万物收藏。人体内以肺和大肠经脉的经气最为旺盛和
Divided into the season generally the Gregorian calendar 9-11 months as autumn. According to this method, although the time is the same in all parts of the world, the actual temperatures in south and north differ greatly. Therefore, nowadays (once every 5 days for 1 wait) the average temperature as a standard, waiting for the average temperature of 10-22 ℃, can be regarded as autumn. According to the traditional medical theory of the motherland, autumn climate change is characterized by “dryness.” Time autumn, natural yang gradually income, chills grow. The weather is hot and cold. Strong vegetation, all things collection. In the human body to the lungs and the meridians of the most vigorous and meridian