“炒青绿茶”是在鲜叶加工的干燥过程中,按传统制法均在锅中炒干而得名的。其品质要求外形条索紧结,色泽绿润,内质汤色绿明,香气高鲜,滋味浓而爽口,收敛性强,叶底绿匀明亮。要达到炒绿的品质要求,就必须掌握好几个主要技术环节和加工的具体操作方法。现简要介绍如下。 一、鲜叶的要求 根据鲜叶适制性的原理,采摘时以一芽二、三叶和柔嫩的对夹二叶为主,采后妥善贮放和及时运送,按照嫩度、匀度、净度、鲜度四个因素,对照鲜叶分级标准,(按中国农科院茶叶所制定的,见表)合理评定,以保证原料的质量。
“Fried green tea” is the drying process in the processing of fresh leaves, according to the traditional system are fried in the pan after the name. Its quality requirements shape tight knot, green color, luster green color of the endoplasm, aroma of fresh, thick and refreshing taste, astringent strong, bright green leaves uniform. To achieve the speculation of green quality requirements, we must grasp several major technical aspects and processing of specific methods of operation. Now brief introduction is as follows. First, the requirements of fresh leaves According to the adaptive principle of fresh leaves, picking a bud two, three leaves and tender leaves of the second folder, after the proper storage and timely delivery, according to tenderness, evenness, Clarity, freshness of four factors, the control of fresh leaf grading standards (according to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences set by the tea, see table) a reasonable assessment to ensure the quality of raw materials.