1893年12月,圣诞节到来的前一天,在伦敦郊区的诺伍德镇,一群人围住了一所维多利亚式的房子,他们高声抗议,并不时地向屋子投去石块。与此同时,在伦敦市中心报社云集的舰队街,大批群众因为同样的原因示威游行,高声呐喊。伦敦著名的杂志《theStrand magazine》收到如雪片般的读者来信,纷纷要求退刊,因为他们刊登了一起令人发指的谋杀案。甚至连维多利亚女王也坐不住了,对这起凶案她表示非常遗憾。究竟是谁的死如此牵动英国民众的心,而凶手又是谁?
In December 1893, the day before Christmas, a group of Victorians surrounded a group of people in Norwood town, on the outskirts of London, protesting loudly and throwing stone into the house from time to time. In the meantime, a large number of people marched through the Fleet Street in the center of London to shout for the same reason. The London magazine’s magazine, theStrand magazine, received letters from readers like snowballs asking for an extension because of an outrageous murder. Even Queen Victoria could not sit still, and she expressed regret over the murder. Who is the death of so affected the hearts of the British people, and the murderer who is?