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以苯甲酸、邻硝基苯甲酸、间硝基苯甲酸、对硝基苯甲酸、3,5-二硝基苯甲酸等为配体制备了Y3+、Eu3+二元配合物,配合物中Y3+与Eu3+的摩尔比为9:1.利用这些配合物的爆炸式热分解特性通过固相热解反应制备了一系列Y2O3:Eu纳米晶.透射电镜观察,可以看出所得纳米晶呈球形,粒度介于40~60nm,X射线衍射分析表明实验所得纳米晶属立方晶系,粒径与电镜观察所得结果基本一致;Eu3+的引入并不影响Y2O3的晶相组成;配体类型对纳米晶的结构没有显著影响,不过相对于硝基取代苯甲酸配合物,苯甲酸配合物热解所得Y2O3∶Eu纳米晶团聚严重;退火温度显著影响纳米晶粒度,退火温度高,纳米晶粒度大,反之亦然.荧光光谱测定表明所有Y2O3∶Eu纳米晶具有相似的发光行为,其中以苯甲酸配合物分解所得Y2O3:Eu纳米晶发光性能最为优越. Y3 + and Eu3 + binary complexes were prepared by using benzoic acid, o-nitrobenzoic acid, m-nitrobenzoic acid, p-nitrobenzoic acid and 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid as ligands. Eu3 + molar ratio of 9: 1.Using the explosive thermal decomposition of these complexes by solid-phase pyrolysis reaction of a series of Y2O3: Eu nanocrystals observed by transmission electron microscopy, we can see the resulting nanocrystalline spherical, particle size mediated At 40 ~ 60nm, X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the obtained nanocrystalline cubic system, the particle size and electron microscopy obtained the results are basically the same; Eu3 + does not affect the composition of the crystal phase Y2O3; ligand type of nanocrystalline structure is not However, compared with the nitro-substituted benzoic acid complex, the Y2O3:Eu nanocrystal obtained by the pyrolysis of the benzoic acid complex was very serious. The annealing temperature significantly affected the nanocrystalline grain size, the annealing temperature was high and the nanocrystalline grain size was large, and vice versa However, fluorescence spectroscopy showed that all the Y2O3: Eu nanocrystals had similar luminescence behavior, of which the luminescent properties of Y2O3: Eu nanocrystals synthesized by benzoic acid complex were the best.
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