Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection was shown to be present in 75% of Black Africans with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in whom the tumor was hitherto not thought to be caused by chronic HBV infection. The association between chronic HBV infection and the development of the tumor is thus even closer than was originally thought. HBV viral load was found to be significantly higher in patients with HCC than in Black African controls. As in other populations, HBV e antigen-positive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma had significantly higher viral loads than patients negative for this antigen. The significance of this finding is discussed. The risk for HCC development with genotype A of HBV, the predominant genotype in African isolates, has not been investigated. Genotype A was shown to be 4.5 times more likely than other genotypes to cause HCC in Black Africans, and tumours occurred at a significantly younger age. Increasing numbers of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and HBV co-infection are being reported to develop HCC. A preliminary case/control comparison supports the belief that HIV co-infection enhances the hepatocarcinogenic potential of HBV. A study from The Gambia provides the first evidence that dietary exposure to afltoxin B1 may cause cirrhosis and thatthis may play a contributory role in the pathogenesis of aflatoxin-induced HCC. An animal model has provided experimental support for the clinical evidence that dietary iron overload in the African is directly hepatocarcinogenic, in addition to causing the tumor indirectly through the development of cirrhosis.