水稻光温敏雄性核不育系45S的育性转换受光长和温度的互补作用调控。对45S(Oryza sativa L.ssp.indica)/YC169组合的F2、BC1F1和F2和BC2F2进行不育基因的遗传分析,结果表明45S的育性是由1对隐性不育基因控制。利用SSR分子标记技术,结合BSA和RCA法,以45S与YC169的杂交F2和BC2F2作为分离群体,对不育基因进行定位,结果发现不育基因(暂命名为GTMS)位于RM6378和RM12847之间,遗传距离分别为8.5cM和8.2cM。
Fertility Transformation of Photoperiod - Temperature Sensitive Male Sterile Line 45S in Rice under the Mutation of Light Length and Temperature. The genetic analysis of F2, BC1F1 and F2 and BC2F2 in combination with 45S (Oryza sativa L.ssp.indica) / YC169 showed that the fertility of 45S was controlled by 1 recessive gene. The results showed that the sterile gene (tentatively named as GTMS) was located between RM6378 and RM12847, using SSR molecular markers combined with BSA and RCA methods. F2 and BC2F2 were crossed with 45S and YC169 as segregating populations. The genetic distances were 8.5 cM and 8.2 cM, respectively.