2013年5月,水利部组织完成了对国家水土保持重点建设工程辽宁省(2008—2012年)项目区水土流失综合治理工程的竣工抽验,也标志着辽宁省2008—2012年国家水土保持重点建设工程全面顺利完成。5年间,全省共完成水土流失综合治理面积1 290.6 km2,共治理了125条小流域,省以上投资26 860万元,项目区生态效益、经济效益和社会效益显著。全面总结了项目建设过程中的经验和做法,分析了存在的问题并提出了建议。
In May 2013, the Ministry of Water Resources organized the completion sampling of the comprehensive control project of soil and water loss in the project area of Liaoning Province (2008-2012), a national key project of soil and water conservation, as well as the key national water and soil conservation construction in Liaoning Province during 2008-2012 The project was completed in an all-round way In the past five years, a total of 1 290.6 km2 of soil and water loss comprehensive management has been completed in the province. A total of 125 small watersheds have been managed, with an investment of 268.6 million yuan above the provincial level. The ecological, economic and social benefits of the project area are significant. A comprehensive summary of the project construction experience and practices, analysis of existing problems and make recommendations.