An important factor hindering the proliferation of decentralized renewable energy technologies is its high adoption cost, and with the gradual increase of resident income, the adoption of this new energy technology is also becoming more and more popular.Based on cellular automata Considering the impact mechanism of absolute income level and relative income level on residents’ adoption behavior, we divide the cell into three states: potential, waiting and adopter and define the transformation probability between each other, and establish the decentralization under the influence of income Model of renewable energy technology diffusion model.Compared with the proliferation data of solar water heater, the rationality of the model is proved.The simulation analysis shows that the relative income coefficient is inversely proportional to the probability of waiting for cell transformation, which is proportional to the probability of cell transformation, In addition, the study also found that the use of model effects and sensitivity of income is within the scope of a particular income rather than the maximum income region is optimal, the initial level of cellular income for the proliferation process There is no significant role in promoting these conclusions on renewable energy technology promotion and corporate marketing decisions have A positive reference.