昆明军区某团在1984年4月28日老山拔点战斗中开设了伤员转运点,分段后送伤员.在加快伤员后送方面摸索了一些经验,现介绍如下. 一、合理设置伤员转运点上级下达给团救护所的任务是搞好1、3营的卫勤保障.在该团作战方向上只有“老山前沿——马嘿——急造口”一条长约4 km的山间小路.在接近老山主峰地段几乎无路,全程有两段路坡度很大,约为60~80度,林密,荆棘丛生,路窄坎坷,雨天泥泞路滑,人员爬涉十分艰难,给伤员后送带来了很大困难.
A certain regiment of the Kunming Military Region opened a transit point for the wounded in Point Lao Mountain on April 28, 1984, and sent the injured in sections. Some experience has been explored in accelerating the evacuation of the wounded, as follows: 1. Set a reasonable transfer of the wounded The task assigned to the regiment ambulance by the superior was to improve the medical support for the camps No. 1 and No. 3. In the operational direction of the regiment, there was only “the frontier of the old mountain - Ma Hey - an emergency stoma” Between the main road near Caoluo almost no road, the whole section of the two sections have a great slope, about 60 to 80 degrees, Lin Mi, thorny tussock, road rough ups and downs, rainy days muddy road slippery, climbing staff involved is very difficult, Bringing the wounded has brought great difficulties.