How to Train the College Student’s Self-confidence in English Class

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  in our college schools, most of the students are working hard at English, Because English is a required foreign language in their courses, and it is also a basic subject. The students must take part in the English Test. Each student comes from defferent places, and each student has different background ,interests and attitudes to English. So how can our English teachers teach such large class successfully? This has become very important for English teachers to improve our teaching.
  Although a teacher may use many techniques to conduct his or her teaching in classroom situations, and success in learning English is determined by many factors,( such as time, language teachers , materials and situation etc.) The students' self-confidence seems the most essential to students in English teaching.
   In my English classroom teaching, I think successful language learning ,to a large extent ,depends on successful language teaching. The teacher plays very important part in the interaction between high self-confidenceand successful learning. An effective teacher not only understands the students' self-confidence ,but also creats an atmsphere for learning to promote his or her students' success in learning English.
  This paper will disscuss ways to foster students' self-confidence. There are three ways : firstly, how to build each student's self-confidence; secondly, how to promote students' self-confidence in calss, and finally how to maintain the students' self-confidence.
  一、Building each student's self-confidence
  In junior schools and middle schools, Students have learned some English, However,they differ greatly in their self-confidence in learning English. Some of them are confident; others doubt whether they can learn English well, In this case , our English teachers should do two things in the early classes:
  1、Emphasize that everyone can be a successful learner as long as he tries hard.
  2、Not simply judge whether a student willsuccess or not in early English learning. Because your expectation about a student will influence the students' English learning.
  When you teach an early class,you may find that some students try to avoid you. But a few weeks later more and more students will approach you. And want to talk to you . This shows that the students' self-confidence is growing. Including those students that you have thought of as slow learners. They begin to feel that they can also do as well as others in learning English. While those students are determined to do better and study harder than before. Thus , everyone is trying hard to do better than others. The strategy is: building each student's self- confidence followed by competition.
  二、promoting students' self-confidence
  During the course of English teaching, the teacher should try many ways to promote the students' learning. When the students constantly feel that they are making progress ,they can maintain high self-confisdence. Here one thing is very important : The teacher should not only contribute to successful learning,but should also promote the students' self-confidence.
  As we all know. Middle school English emphasizes pronounciation、grammar and vocabulary . In the college students not only memorize andunderstand what the teacher teaches in class but the students must master the four language skills: Listening、Reading、Writing and Speaking. So the students' progress is often slow. The teachers must try to make each step easier for them . The very best thing is to help students deal with the language skills that seems difficult for them at first. In my teaching practice , speaking is the most difficult for Chinese students of the four language skills. They are always quiet and shy, sometimes they maintain silence as they don't want to be first to speak. Also they are afraid of making mistakes. In this case, the teachers should try to let students know that language is a means of communication and help students develop confidence in speaking. And try to let them open their mouths. These can be done through the following ways:
  1、Creating a relaxing and active atmosphere. As mentioned above, students are quiet and shy because they are afraid of being laughed by others. When the teachers ask them questions, they usually lower their heads and keep silent. The teachers have to ask some students to answer. These students are often too nervous to express themselves clearly. They would not like to talk because of the serious atmosphere. But when the atmosphere in the classroom is relaxation, they will fell happy. So the teachers must first create an atmosphere of speaking English and encourage the students to open their mouths. You should try to speak as simple English as possible so as to let them understand you and follow you. When they find it easy and interesting to follow you they build their confidence.
  2、Guiding the students into meaningful practice by using various ways in class to encourage students to talk. In my English teaching , I took the following steps:
  (1)、Warm- up the class . For example. After we have learnt the text of Unit one of 21st Century Practical College English(Ⅰ)"College--A Transition Point in My life". I let the students ask some questions on the text each other. As expected, some questions came out, such as:
  What was the writer afraid of when he first became a college student?
  What are the three questions he had about his classmates and himself?
  What did the writer have to do in order to do well in his studies?
  What mistakes did the writer make at first?
  What happened to him shortly after?
  What other things did the the writer do in addition to his studies?
  How did the writer begin to see himself as a result?
  What did he think of his future at that time?
  Why was the writer so sure about himself and his own future?
  (2)、and then I presented two questions on the text for students to discuss:
  A、For many people., college life is a new experience . They feel excited and at the same time a bit worried. How did you feel when you first got to college? Name some things that you felt excited about and some things you felt a bit worried about.
  B、The transition from high school to college can be difficult for some young people. What are your difficulties and how are you going to overcome them?
   I divided the class into two groups .GroupA discussed the first question and group B discussed the second one. Because different students have different attitudes to the question. Then two groups argued first, finally exchanged the views and get the complete understanding of the questions.
   Experience shows that in many cases letting students speak out is more effective than a presentation by the teacher. In this way, everyone has chance to practice English.
  三、Maintaining the students' self-confidence
  The teachers should make an effort to maintain the students' self-confidence.
  1、Giving encouragement. In English teaching classroom the teacher is the only person who can offer encouragement. When the students make progress in learning English, the teacher should express delight and satisfactory and give the words of praise, such as "Good," "Well done," "Not bad." If a student has difficulty ,the teacher should show deep concern and nerver laught students' failure. Young people are sensitive, and their self-confidence is easily influenced by many factors around him, including their teachers' and classmates'words and actions. So the teachers should offer them as much encouragement as they can.
  2、Giving patient instruction. It is natural for learners of English to make mistakes. But the students are afraid of making mistakes. The teacher should help them overcome their fear and increase their self-confidence. When the students make mistakes in class we should not correct every mistakes that the students made. Especially in discussion, the teacher need not correct linguistic mistakes unless they affect the meaning of what the students want to express. Even when one mistake needs correction, the teacher must be careful to protect the students'self-confidence. Try to avoid saying, "You are wrong." "Why do you make mistakes again?" You may say like this: "Well,that's not quite right…", "Usually, English people don't say…,but say…"And also avoid hurting their confidence .
   In a word,the college students' self-confidence in English class need us to train slowly and patinetly . With high levels of self-confidence ,the students overcome their diffiuclties in learning English. Only those teachers who realize that self-confidence is one of the most important factors in learning English can hope to be effective teacers in English class.
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数学是人们学习、生活和劳动必不可少的工具,是一切科技发展的基础,也是人类文化的一个重要组成部分。数学是源于生活又用于生活的,所以,学生的数学学习内容应当是现实的、有意义的。数学学习有利于学生主动的进行观察、实验、猜测、验证、推理和交流等活动。学生数学学习活动应当是一个主动的、生动活泼的和富有个性的过程。    一、激发学生主动学习的兴趣。    从心理学的角度分析,兴趣是推动学生学习的一种最实际的
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摘要:多媒体辅助语文教学,它让学生在学习中始终保持兴奋、愉悦、渴求上进的心理状态,它对学生主体性的发挥,创新意识和探索精神的培养有着事半功倍之效。  关键词:多媒体;语文教学;有机结合    语文学科是一门具有浓郁的美育特色的课,语文课本上那一篇篇具有情感震撼力量、飞扬着灵性的小说、散文,一首首或清雅、或激昂、或含蓄的诗歌既有知识之美,也有情感之美,更有艺术之美。它无不熏陶着学生的情操、发展着学生
摘要:厌学实质上是学生在学习活动过程中由于学习动机的逐渐弱化甚至消失而导致的心理状态,针对厌学心理形成机制中的若干环节提出了控制策略。  关键词:厌学;形成机制;控制策略     一、厌学的含义及其特征    在多年英语教学过程中,碰到有一些学生英语学习兴趣不浓,或有厌学倾向。厌学即厌倦学习,指学生个体在学习过程中由于受到自身原因或者外界环境因素影响而对学习活动感到困倦甚至厌烦,针对学习活动缺乏动
机载弹药经历了近100年的发展,目前已成为以精确制导弹药为代表,各种弹药种类齐全的主战武器系列。制导炸弹以其较高的命中率,突出的作战效能,已逐渐成为机载弹药中的主力之一。  制导炸弹用于实战始于越南战争,在以后的几次局部战争中,制导炸弹发挥了越来越大的作用。在1991年初的海湾战争、1999年的科索沃战争和2003年的伊拉克战争中,美军大量使用了的制导炸弹,取得了突出的作战效果。    一、国外制