当地时间2015年4月讯,牙买加,摄影师Adrian Mc Donald近日拍摄了一组天真烂漫的系列照片,不仅捕捉到牙买加儿童的纯真和欢乐时光,还展现了儿童传达给我们的生活态度。Adrian拍摄的是他所在社区的孩子,位于牙买加Westmoreland教区,在经过孩子们的父母同意之后,这位26岁的摄影师从2014年11月到今年3月拍摄了近5个月的时间。Adrian说,有趣的是这些孩子每天都在外面玩耍,直到去年11月他听到他们的声音,才拿起相机抓拍到了那个美好的瞬间。Adrian第一次将照片拿给孩子们看时,孩子们都非常兴奋,父母也是如此。“他们每天在外面玩耍,而我却从来都没有发觉,这很有趣不是吗?”Adrian说,“这告诉我们生活中到处都存在美好的事物,而大多数时候
In April 2015, local time in Jamaica, photographer Adrian Mc Donald recently filmed a series of naive series of photographs not only to capture the innocence and happy hours of Jamaican children, but also to show the children’s attitude to life. Adrian is a child of his community, located in the parish of Westmoreland, Jamaica. The 26-year-old photographer took nearly five months from November 2014 to March this year, with the consent of the children’s parents. What’s interesting, Adrian said, is that these kids are playing outside every day until he hears their voice in November last year before picking up the camera and capturing that wonderful moment. The first time Adrian showed the photos to their children, the children were very excited, as did their parents. ”They play outside every day, but I never noticed, it is very interesting is not it?“ Adrian said, ”This tells us that there are beautiful things in life, and most of the time