1991年9月30日,香港希尔顿酒店。秋季国际拍卖会正在这里举行。由香港三大著名拍卖行之一的“太古佳士得”,主持了这次中国艺术品的拍卖。富丽堂皇的希尔顿酒店3楼大堂,200多个座位全被各国的艺术品收藏家、鉴赏家们坐满了。或许这是中国油画首次进入国际拍卖会,在书画鉴定专家预言中国艺术品价格开始狂升的今天,这次拍卖犹显得引人注目。 1亿港币背后的遗憾中国当代油画是首次在国际拍卖会中作独立项目拍卖的。陈逸飞的《得阳遗韵》以20万元港币为底价,结果一上市即被多位买家竞投,使其价格瞬即超过估价。当《浔阳遗韵》的叫价达到80万元港币时,整个拍卖场的气氛已相当紧张,人人都在猜测此画能否突破100万元大关。锤落音定,终以137.5万元
September 30, 1991, Hilton Hotel Hong Kong. Autumn International Auctions are taking place here. Hong Kong Christie’s, one of Hong Kong’s three most famous auction houses, presided over this auction of Chinese art. In the lobby of the magnificent Hilton Hotel on the 3rd floor, more than 200 seats are fully occupied by art collectors and connoisseurs of various countries. Perhaps this is the first time that Chinese oil paintings have entered an international auction. Today, auctions are still attracting attention as experts in calligraphy and painting predict that the price of Chinese art has skyrocketed. The regret behind the 100 million Hong Kong dollars is that the contemporary Chinese oil painting was the first time that an independent project was auctioned at an international auction. Chen Yifei’s “Deyang Rhyme” uses HK$200,000 as the reserve price. As a result, many IPOs are auctioned by a single buyer, causing the price to exceed the valuation immediately. When the bid price of “Liyang Remains” reached 800,000 Hong Kong dollars, the atmosphere of the entire auction market was already very tight. Everyone was wondering whether the painting could break through the 1 million yuan mark. Hammering tone, eventually to 1.375 million yuan